
Year In Review | Favorite Moments of 2021

January 9, 2022

2021 just blew right by…didn’t it?! Judging from every other person’s sentiment that I come across in conversation these days, I think it’s safe to say that the past couple of years has pushed a good number of us to our limits. From pandemic fatigue to feelings of exhaustion, burnout, and hopelessness are swallowing any kind of a positive mindset whole. But despite all the emotionally sapping challenges of the last couple of years, there is still much to be thankful for, and plenty to celebrate. Hence, I like to pause and take the time to sift through the rubble (as it were) at the end of each year to reflect and find those favorite moments of the year that helped me through and to ponder over any lessons learned along the way. It’s not always easy, but I find solace in taking the time to meditate over the good morsels of the past year can be a huge game-changer in helping to reframe my perception of my year in a more positive light. Somehow, it allows me to officially let go of the previous year and put closure on it. It is sort of like a year-end closure ceremony that makes me feel more ready to start the new year fresh. For one thing, let’s give each other a round of applause for making it through another difficult year! That’s one accomplishment worth celebrating for sure… don’t ya think? Just the fact that I mustered up the courage to get on a plane and survive my first flight in two years alone is worth many more celebrations!

At the moment we breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the hygge moment of finally sliding back onto our sofa to get ready to eat and start watching one of our favorite shows, these foxtails went up in dramatic flames five minutes after turning on this taper candle🕯🔥

I’m not one for new year resolutions but I love the idea of a fresh start. A great way to reset as it were and an opportunity for a renewal of intention. And as such, I like to start with a word of intention for the year. My word for 2022 is resilience. Given the distressing times we live in, resilience is necessary to overcome the painful challenges in order to keep progressing forward. While I enter every new year with realistic reservations, it’s never without a few goals. On my goals list this year: I plan to continue intentionally living in the moments I’m given – cherishing them while they’re here. I want to find beauty in the simple ordinary moments that helps make the days worthwhile. Being more selective with taking only projects I really feel passionate about will be a priority too. One of my biggest goals that I’m hoping to get right this year, is to make time to read more and allow my body to get the rest that it needs. Being well-rested does wonders for the mind and skin—and I want to really lean into that.

My Favorite End of the day rituals

I struggled a great deal with my health this past year, so one of my most important goals is to protect my energy and health—choosing to invest my time only in things that add value to my overall wellbeing. Therefore, another thing that’s one of my top priorities this year is refraining from overloading myself with long lists of frivolous projects that sap my energy. I’m praying and hoping for a healthier 2022 and a brighter future soon to come!

We also parted with Benzy our long-time bestie!

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