
2021 End of Summer Flashback

September 26, 2021

You guys know me – I’m not exactly the summer lover type. Or at least, not the kind of sweltering summer heat we experienced this year. The summer heat always drains me, but this year’s all-time high temps sapped every ounce of my energy more than ever in all my years. To be completely transparent with you, my summertime sadness was in an all-time overdrive. It’s not like it feels remotely autumnal or ever going to get much colder any time soon here in the wild wild west, but there is a definite mental shift as soon as September starts. While I’m a fall lover and do crave the cooler weather that is ahead of us, it doesn’t mean that I want to rush it along either, as I see some do on social media. It’s one of the seasons that I prefer to take its time slowly unfurling itself layer by layer – turning one deep green leaf to that burnt yellow and crimson color,, so I can savor every bit of its slower-paced moments of warmth and coziness. It’s the only season out of the four that shifts something inside me that makes me feel renewed.

A lot has happened this summer. Inadvertently, an innumerable amount of DIY’s were tackled for the backyard in an attempt for a spring reveal to which some still have to be completed, due to too many unforeseen circumstances. One unexpected delivery delay after the next or the inability to procure certain items has kept us from completing our backyard as planned, including a broken water fountain delivery after having waited more than four months to get it. The unusually hot temperatures, fried and killed six of our trees and left others on life support and the prognosis for them does not look too promising. This is the first time ever in my designing career that it feels like I have been steamrolled by unfulfilled design projects, collaborations, topped off with a slew of disappointments, and probably the biggest of all: dealing with some health issues requiring a medical procedure. Due to the weight of it all, I’ve been struggling with low energy, finding it difficult to focus or feel motivated to do anything. Whilst I grappled weeks on end in finding a way to deal with all the unpleasant woes of this summer, I’d like to share some of the good bits (albeit I felt heavy through it all) that helped to get me through. 

Our travels are always centered around food and hunting for unique quaint little shops to find that one-of-a-kind, rare finds for our home. Due to our world’s current situation, traveling to faraway places like we used to before is still on hold, so staycationing in neighboring cities has been just as enjoyable. The hubby has gotten good at finding these amazing obscure and exclusive boutique hotels that transport you to faraway places to the days of yesteryear which made such a difference in reviving my withering spirits up a bit this summer.

I got to slip into so many different cute shops, where I scored so many goodies for the house that remind me of these enjoyable moments every time I see them now.

I even got inspired to have the hubby take these spontaneous outfit shots (albeit super casual) – something that I haven’t had a verve for in such a long time. It was a good feeling to actually get dressed to get out and about town.

We were just so content to sit and decompress for a little bit and enjoy the cooler summer nights at our favorite restaurants’ outdoor courtyard seating to enjoy some cocktail classics that we have missed so much.

Our summer blooms in the backyard delighted us and comforted our broken hearts from the trees we lost because of the extremely hot temperatures this summer, with Mr. rabbit that moved in and helped out with chomping down the weeds that were flourishing.

Documenting such memorable moments is still and will always be part of blogging that I will forever enjoy. I also find sharing such experiences helps me to find rays of sunshine amidst the dark times. It’s not easy being grateful all the time. But it’s when we feel least thankful that we are most in need of what gratitude can give. Taking the time to step back to consciously look at the good portions I enjoyed gives me the big picture which helps put things into proper perspective — it’s such a great mental exercise that shifts you from a negative space to focus your attention on all the goodness in your life. No matter how small the good moments are in difficult times, focusing your attention on them helps you to see more of them. And I also hope it helps at least one person to know that they’re not alone in their struggles in this thing called life! If you’ve made it this far, thank you for indulging me as I took this opportunity to reflect on the end of my 2021 summer flashback.

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