

May 25, 2016

Stylish Flats Summer Sandal Season

No matter where I live or go, it doesn’t take people long to notice that I live in high heels. (Comfortably, too, I might add). I don’t wear them to impress anyone, I’ve always been one who wears what makes me feel good about myself and gives me enough confidence to leave the house. I’m one of those rare girls that have grown accustomed to wearing heels at a very young age. I’ve mentioned on here before that I started strutting in my mom’s stilettos at the young age of 3, so I attribute my love for heels (besides being a girl and a shorty who needs all the extra inches that I can get) from that point on and often quip that I’ve been wearing heels since 3 years old. In fact, just to give an idea of how comfortable I am in heels, when I put on flats, which is rarely, I tend to trip on my own feet as if I were learning how to walk all over again and get back pain almost instantaneously. However, I do recognize the need to give my feet a break and I do try to do so from time to time.

Each summer season, I make an effort to purchase some lower-heeled shoes that still give me enough height where I don’t completely feel like a hobbit, thus preventing me from walking awkwardly with a slump, but that are also appropriate for each season. With all the stylistically chic sandals that are out there these days and given it’s summer sandal season, I definitely have the chance to step up my spring/summer footwear game by adding a few favorites to my barely there collection. Naturally, the ones that have caught my attention range from block heels, and marvelous mules to perfect platforms. Here are a few of my kind of ‘flats’ that I can see myself wearing this summer:

Which one of these speaks to your summer style?

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