
Grateful Moments

January 3, 2014

“A joyful heart does good as a curer, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” 

{A rainy day in Brooklyn Heights: as colorfully rich as its history and people}

When things in life are going good it’s naturally much easier to be appreciative and find so many things to be grateful for, but what about when you’re slapped with an unexpected situation that turns your world upside down? A sudden death of a loved one say, a terminal illness of a dear one, the loss of a “great career” etc…etc… Now the life as you knew it quickly changes to an uneasy feeling, a constant pain of heart. Frustrated and angry, you can easily develop a hatred for life and everyone and/or everything around you. From Xmas day, we’ve been dealing with a loved one’s terminal illness, and it has turned our life upside down. We find ourselves traveling a lot, sometimes at the drop of a hat just because of a phone conversation with nurses and doctors or constantly being in suspense as to the next development, which invariably seems to always be dramatically stressful. Such drastic circumstances can easily blind you and leave you thinking, what do I have to be grateful for? Understandably so, appreciativeness might turn into hurt, anger and self-pity.

On the other hand, when you stop yourself to think and get perspective on the circumstances you’re dealing with, it forces you to realize that although it’s true that external circumstances at times can rob us of joy, this quality is not something external. It is a quality of the heart. Acknowledging that fact, helps you to realize that life has a lot to offer, but it takes much effort to find things to be grateful for in your life. That’s why the above quote has always been one of my favorites. It serves as a good reminder for me to keep on counting my blessings through all the crummy moments knowing ‘this too, shall pass’. So even though this weekend will be spent taking care of a sick one, I’m still committing to my grateful moment posts. These are a few things that have put a smile on my face and heart lately. Now I’d love to hear how you keep grateful (without hitting the bottle;) when things are low.

{Custom marble inlaid dining table that made my heart skip a couple of beats}

{I put my newfound antique door handles to good use as jewelry hooks + I gold painted the initial that stands for both of our names}

{So enjoyed this lovely display of wines and tealight candles at a cozy zen-like cafe}

{Majestic sunset beaming down on the grove that never lets me forget our awesome creator and that I’m never ever alone}

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