
Managed The Blues

February 1, 2013

{As you walk into this café the first thing you see is this painting. LOVE IT!}

This week started out with me wanting to skip Monday – in fact the whole week for that matter. If you follow me on Twitter (if you’re not, why not?😉 you probably noticed my tweet about having the winter blues. Partly, because Monday was such a gloomy, rainy day, it just added to the dreariness of our cavelike bedroom. Secondly, I think our dark New York apartment is finally getting to me. I can’t wait to start our search for a much bigger, brighter apartment with closets, a proper functional, efficient kitchen and a normal sized bathroom at last! Just a couple more months….

Anyway, I digress. The hubby had to physically get me out of bed and take me out for a drive (in the nasty weather and all) just to break me out of my funk a bit. How did I manage the blues as the week progressed you ask? Well, first, I spent a little bit more time outdoors as that is part of my goals for 2013. I also was able to cope with the blues with the help of a pilgrimage visit to some of our favorite cozy restaurants.  Lastly, I had a couple of friends over which kept my mind busy. It’s amazing how sometimes doing things for others can help you deal with your own issues as it makes you deflect the attention from your problems. This weekend will start with some wine tasting at a friend’s NY apartment, and spending Super Bowl Sunday at another friend’s house which will be much different than last year’s Super Bowl. I’m not into football AT ALL as I don’t understand why those teletubbies in leotards have to pile on each other, but I certainly am looking forward to halftime with Beyoncé’s performance.

{Comfort drinks like a warm cup of apple cider always puts me in a good mood:}

{Enjoyed some wine and appetizers at a dark, moody, cozy restaurant with the hubby}


{A box of pastries doesn’t hurt either… maybe in calories later O_o}


{Having this bag definitely would always put a smile on my face. Might have to get it}



Talking about calories. Have you ever wondered about how the ladies in the 50’s stayed slim? Check this article out. You’ll find it very interesting.



Happy Friday!





One response to “Managed The Blues”

  1. Kim0322 says:

    Sorry you are feeling blue! You should pat yourself on the back for making attempts to change your mood via scenery, friends, food, etc. Some people would rather wallow than find something positive. I hope you enjoyed the wine tasting & Super Bowl halftime! 🙂

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