
Grateful Moments {Why I haven’t Posted It in a While…}

July 22, 2016

Runyon Canyon Overlook Los Angeles California

1. Overlooking L.A. from Runyon Canyon

on a particularly hot summer day.

Happy Friday! I know it has been a while since I have done a ‘Grateful Moments’ post. It’s not because there haven’t been things to be grateful for. To be honest, between watching the world scene unraveling at its seams at a much quicker pace than it’s already been combined with being around people that just suck the life out of you, I’m completely sapped of my personal, emotional, physical and creative strength. Although I appreciate living in an era that people only want to think positively, (which is good and I’m one hundred percent for it), however, the weight of the time period we are living in is just too heavy to live like an ostrich unfazed with my head in the sand just because bad things aren’t happening to me personally. I basically felt bad counting my blessings, while knowing that there are so many precious lives in the world are currently agonizing over tragic losses. So the idea of pretending to be happy living my life (concerned with just my own little world) as if unaffected by what is happening around me for the sake of maintaining a certain facade of happiness on the site, isn’t part of my makeup. Knowing that I can’t be the only one feeling this way, I thought I’d share my feelings here so that others feeling the same way won’t feel that they’re alone. Simultaneously, I also do realize one antidote to not being swallowed up by sadness is by remaining conscious of the blessings we still have. After all, an appreciative heart helps us to go on despite any distressing events that we may face. So in an attempt to retain a grateful and lighter heart, I decide to continue reminding myself of the good moments in my life.

Kabuki Sushi Hollywood LA Deep Fried Ice Cream

2. An igloo formation of this delicious deep fried 

ice cream on sizzling hot plate at Kabuki.

LIVE! With Kelly Mug July 2016

3. Made a specific trip to the LIVE! studio just to get this mug

before a new co-host slides back into the chair permanently.

Picnic in Griffith Park Los Angeles California on a Summer Afternoon

4. Did a little head clearing under the shady trees 

of Griffith Park reading a favorite magazine.

Dutch Kills Bar Drink

5. Love discovering new neighborhood spots

with drink combinations that have unexpected ingredients.

Other things that lightened my heart this week:

* A much needed affirmation given an upcoming big leap I’m about to take soon.

* The only jeans that I’d love to see sitting in my closet.

* Passive aggressive notes so good you can’t even be mad. They were all very funny, some of my favorites were #6, 8, 9 and 11.

* Are you going to take advantage of the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale today?

* Currently on my wishlist

Have a wonderful weekend!

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