
Remembering Newtown

December 21, 2012

Usually Fridays are the days I share with you my Joie De Vivre of the week, but today as it’s already a week since the most chilling crime happened in Newtown where the lives of little innocent ones were snuffed out prematurely and left us in a state of shock, I wanted to take time to reflect on this event. As much as I’ve been trying to distract my mind from the overwhelming sadness of that heinous crime, I still can’t stop the constant thought of those little kids and adults that lost their lives and the anguish of the parents and town.

I may not completely comprehend the depth of the families grief, but as a child who grew up in an extremely abusive home, I know how strongly I feel when I see any child get mistreated, abused or suffer. In fact as a result of the aforementioned, at a very young age I conscientiously opted not to bring any children into this wicked world. Unfortunately, we live in a society where adults and young alike are exposed to  glorified violence through the media, the internet, movies and video games. Society as a whole has no fear of God or respect for his written word.  Although tougher gun controls will make it harder to get weapons, it does not cure the disease.  The fundamental issue is we reap what we sow.  People are taught through the entertainment industry that violence is an acceptable means to vent their anger and rage living in a stressful world.  I have tried to help people counteract this kind of thinking by volunteering twenty-to-fifty hours a month in community service to raise awareness of how the lack of kindness, compassion, empathy and love is affecting not only them, but their neighbors. An old adage says ‘knowledge is power’.   Learning correct standards helps each individual to make a self-examination of their values and also makes them realize that there is an accountability to a much higher being.

Often overlooked is the value of a letter of condolence or sympathy. Knowing the kindness of such a gesture, I would like to offer my condolence to the families, community, and colleagues of Newtown, CT.  I’m deeply sorry for your loss, the pain and sorrow that you’re experiencing at this time.  I hope knowing that you’re in our thoughts and prayers gives you comfort and strength to bear up under this difficult time.  Just know that God isn’t responsible for such a wicked act. It is people that commit these crimes, and soon all these things will be a thing of the past.

“He will swallow up death forever. The Lord God will wipe away all tears and take away forever all insults and mockery against his land and people. The Lord has spoken – he will surely do it!…” – Isaiah 25:8

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