
Grateful Moments: Fall Touches Around Here Lately

November 6, 2015

1. These apples have been permeating our home with such aroma – a reminder of our new fall tradition

Whenever you require a run to the massage therapist for a mid-week manipulation, you can imagine what kind of a week it must have been. In spite of how the week went, I’m grateful for several things. For one thing, I got some issues that weighed heavily on my mind ironed out finally. Second, I survived a presentation that had me in a trembling tizzy. But ultimately, as I ponder over how the week went, I ask myself a question that I really should ask more often, but never really take the time to do which is ‘What have I learned?’

2. A glimpse of the touch of red and burnt orange pumpkins from my desk always brings joy to my heart.

3. These pumpkins spread throughout our terrace are like happy rays of sunshine under a dark bridge.

The lesson I learned this week is this: (though it’s really nothing new, but a very important reminder nonetheless given the end result of how things turned out for the best) no matter how difficult it is to deal with the hurt and pain that arise when you’re a victim of mistreatment or unfairness, it’s best to keep your composure rather than letting uncontrolled anger cause you to take action that you’ll later regret. First, analyze the situation all the while remembering that paying back injury for injury by lashing out will just make matters worse and accomplish nothing.  How about you? Do you ever take the time at the end of each week to ask yourself: ‘what lesson have I learned?’ I appreciate how that simple question forces me to assess how much or how little I’ve grown to be a better individual.

4. I love the glow the candles inside the lanterns cast against the skin of these pumpkins in the evening.

5. So grateful for these fall touches around here lately.

I couldn’t think of a more appropriate time to spend some one-on-one time with a girlfriend this weekend. She loves to laugh and lots of laughter is the exercise I need right now. Have a wonderful relaxing weekend. 

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