
Grateful Moments

October 4, 2013

{In my home fresh flowers are a must-have accessory}

My Friday grateful moments post feature has become a favorite of mine since it’s a time where it forces me to really take stock of the little moments during the week that made me smile and feel grateful instead of sulking in those periods of life that might make you feel unfulfilled, unaccomplished etc…etc… But what I’m most thankful for today is the ability to still be sitting here at my laptop typing this in my little corner of cyberspace alive considering what I faced this past week (which I’ll post about in the upcoming couple of weeks since I’m sure it will educate and save some lives).  Don’t forget to appreciate your weekend with family and the moments you enjoy each and everyday with your loved one(s).

{Peach+arugula salad: A simple, easy summer favorite that I make and will continue making the rest of the year. It’s that good!}




One response to “Grateful Moments”

  1. Kevin says:

    Thanks for your comments, and encouraging words under the "Grateful Moments" column.

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