
A Fashion Style Inspired By: Kelly Ripa

December 18, 2011

I had a meeting to attend and needed business attire that wasn’t too buttoned up and  that didn’t require a suit jacket since we had a period of warm weather in the middle of November {yes, these pictures were taken a little while ago… lol}… which is unheard of. Lo and behold, I was watching LIVE! With Kelly and am never disappointed with Kelly’s timeless style which inspired this outfit. But what’s more! About a week or so ago, I got one of Kelly Ripa’s most coveted pieces of jewelry… which I will post about in an upcoming outfit post. So stay tuned.;)

 What I’m wearing:

This is the show that inspired my outfit:

Wishing you much sun in Sunday!

One response to “A Fashion Style Inspired By: Kelly Ripa”

  1. MIRIAM says:

    Great look dear! I like your bag!

    Fashion Crazy Ball on Bloglovin and My Facebook Page

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