
Days Before Blogging & Pinterest…

October 5, 2012

Usually, today I would post the simple pleasures of the week under the label “Joie De Vivre,” but as I was organizing my new home office, I stumbled upon an old journal/notebook of mine that had pretty pictures of interiors that I kept for inspiration from the 90s to 2009.  This was before my pinterest and blogging days that I wanted to share {so my JDV post will be postponed to Sunday instead… stay tuned;}.

Seeing those books I created over the years make me kick myself for not listening to friends who wanted me to start a blog back in the day before it all became the norm. As usual, I’m always a day late and a dollar short in everything! But as a sweet twitter follower told me once, “it’s better late than never.” That was such an encouraging boost from her!

Please indulge me as I share them on my blog now. But, be warned this will be a picture overload post…  what nostalgia seeing those inspirational interiors that I used to collect and paste in notebooks for either clients or myself back in the day.  Where would I be now if I had started this blogging thing of sharing beautiful inspirations back then? I’ll always wonder I guess.


How disappointing it is when you don’t heed the suggestions of others when they encourage you to explore whatever talent they might see in you. Let this be a lesson to you that you should listen to your friends and family when they encourage you to do something that you may not think is possible.  They see your potential even if you don’t see it in yourself.

One response to “Days Before Blogging & Pinterest…”

  1. Kim0322 says:

    Try not to look back because you might miss what is in front of you, Kettle! We accept things when WE are ready. Reading this does make me think that the next time someone sees my potential & encourages me, I am going to find 10 ways I CAN instead of 20 reasons I can't.

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