{Out with the old fashion + design inspiration board}
If I had to describe my week in one word, I would definitely say: overstimulated. Where do I begin? The excitement of getting some design projects completed daily or my feeling abuzz with the city that is certainly in overdrive right now with the sparkly window decorations. Having a revolving door of different friends coming over and getting back to exercising sure have had me feeling giddy all week. I plan on continuing this great week into the weekend. Starting out with tonight, the hubby has a friend coming over to jam on his guitars, which means they’re going to need some munchies. To keep things fun and simple, I’m just going to serve fig and goat cheese crostinis, along with freshly made guac and chips and a pitcher of my favorite – margarita. And while the boys are doing their thing, I’ll use that opportunity to paint my nails and catch up on some of my fashion magazine reading that I’ve fallen behind on.
{So simple, yet so scrumptiously delicious}
{These lovelies made the most delicious fresh orange juice that I’ve had in a while}
{Fall color enjoyed on an afternoon walk in the park}
{Afternoon brunch with a friend at a new Thai place in town}
What are your plans for this weekend?