
5 Practical Ways To Successfully Deal With Debt

November 28, 2012

For the last couple of days my E-mail inbox has been flooded with “Cyber Deal” adds like nobody’s business. It made me realize how easy one can unconsciously get into debt if you fall for all the hype of these “SALES” that we get bombarded with. This thought impelled me to write this post. Around this time of year I know so many people are putting their hard-earned dollars to some vigorous exercise by buying gifts. As much as it is great for the overall economy, debt can strain or even destroy families as well. For instance, think of the consequences of possibly maxing out credit cards: you may have to spend less time together with your family the rest of the year working overtime to pay off the bills, not to mention that large credit card debt leads to more tension and fights within the family.

It’s been said that the leading cause of divorce in United States is disagreements about money. Excessive debt also brings health risks, such as insomnia, headaches, stomachaches, heart attacks, and depression. Some even sleep most of the day because they’re depressed about their debt; becoming helpless to their family that depend on them for emotional support and love. For some, the stress becomes so unbearable that they commit suicide after falling behind on payments. Remember, it will not help matters if you vent anger on your mate – even if you had no part on incurring the debt. Instead, view the debt as a mutual enemy that has come between you and your family. Fight the debt, not each other. Such cooperation will help you solve your financial problems unitedly and will you guide your future financial decisions.

What if your family is already under stress because of debt? What can help you meet the challenges you face? Here are 5 practical ways to successfully deal with debt.

1. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FINANCES. Determine your current budget. Keep a record of all money moving in or out of your household for two weeks—or a month, if that is more practical. Add to this record expenses such as taxes, insurance, or clothing, which may occur much less frequently, and use monthly averages for them.

2. INCREASE YOUR INCOME. You could take on extra shifts at your current job, perform seasonal work, tutor a student, recycle, or make your hobby into a home business.

Caution: Take care not to allow work to encroach on activities that are more important, such as spending time with your family.

3. REDUCE YOUR EXPENSES. Buy an item only if you need it, not just because it’s on sale. Waiting to buy is good, since it helps you to decide if you really need the item or just want it.

TIPS: Here are some additional things to think about…

4. ANALYZE YOUR DEBT AND ACT. First, determine for each debt the interest rate, the fees, and how a late payment or missed payment will impact you. Make sure to examine well the wording of any loans or bills carefully, since creditors can be deceptive. For example, one short-term loan service in the U.S. stated that its interest rate was 24 percent, when, in fact, it was over 400 percent.

Ways to tackle your debts.

5. KEEP MONEY IN ITS PROPER PLACE. Rather than being obsessed with money or the lack of it, it’s best being content with what you have and your current financial circumstances choosing to view friendships and families more important than material possessions. Spending more time with your spouse, children, friends and family will make you happier.

TIP: Arrange time to talk openly and calmly about your debt. Acknowledge any mistakes you may have made. Rather than dwelling on the past, try to agree on talking candidly about all future purchases. Your children can join in the effort by explaining to them that you can’t afford everything that they ask for, and will buy it when the money is saved over time. Prepare a budget, discuss how everyone can reduce expenses or increase family’s income. Seeing one another’s sacrifices can help pull each individual together in the fight against debt.

*Try this: List things that are truly valuable to you and that money cannot buy. Next, determine how to increase the time and energy you devote to each item on your list.

*Images: {1} personal {2} lana-del-rey-vogue-australia-07 {3} source{4}source {5} source{6} Pinterest

One response to “5 Practical Ways To Successfully Deal With Debt”

  1. Kim0322 says:

    Excellent post & excellent timing! It is so hard not to fall into the debt traps!

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