
Time Spent In Capri and Anacapri

August 30, 2012

Porto di Napoli

They just opened a cool Gelato/cafe around the corner of our building and eating this treat has always been a guilty pleasure of mine. Eating Gelato this summer has me missing Capri and Anacapri, Italy. Of course, I have yet to find Gelato that compares with the Gelato I had in Capri {a little place in Little Italy on Mulberry street called Il Gelato… aka La Cremeria, aKelly Ripa favorite comes very close}.

Oh man, the lifestyle of the Italians is exactly as we imagined it as pictured in movies, and read about. We were in awe the entire time. It is hard to believe the hubby and I were there almost two years ago already! Where does the time go?! I ate so much Gelato… it was obscene really. It’s not my fault though because it’s a place you can’t help but buy Gelatos every step of the way. It’s everywhere and everyone from young to old has one in hand while strolling the cute narrow hilly vine-filled scenic streets of Capri.

The hubby guarding my Limoncello bottles that we obtained while in Anacapri. Augusto Gardens is reached from Piazza Umberto by a walk through Vittorio Emanuele III. This garden is an obliged spot for tourists – it is the most magnificent and one of the most beautiful places of the island. While up there, you get a quiet and panoramic view of the beach below overlooking the famous natural structure of ‘Siren’s Rock’ that divides the cove in two different beaches {as seen in the 5th photo below}.

These are lemons! In Capri lemons grow abundantly – thus, the reason why they make Limoncello which is a traditional afternoon cap after lunch…

The villa, {now a museum} is furnished with traditional local and Swedish furnishings. The extensive art collection acquired by Alex range from Antiquity to the 20th century. The villa is reached by a pleasant walk along a shopping street {where we stopped to buy our Limoncello bottles} off Piazza Vittoria in Anacapri.

The Villa San Michele in Capri is a breathtaking place that must be experienced. It is undoubtedly an amazingly beautiful locale that has a unique history and when there, you feel like you’re in paradise.

One of the gardens of Axel Munthe’house {who was a Swedish psychiatrist, but best known as the author of The Story of San Michele, an autobiographical account of his work and life}. The garden is beautiful and has fantastic cliff edge view spots.

Hmmmmm, gelato!

I lost my waist there eating so many gelatos, but ahhh, it was completely worth it!

 Axel Munthe’s courtyard …now a museum {one of my dream courtyards}

Visitors there were filled with excitement that they couldn’t even stand still to take a picture! This place was an overload of amazing beauty that most of the pictures people took of us came out as seen above. I Bought one of my favorite purses in Anacapri which is above Capri. Such great memories! If you’ve been there, what are the most favorite experiences that you had? Please share. 

2 responses to “Time Spent In Capri and Anacapri”

  1. Kim0322 says:

    These pictures make me so sad I didn't book our Paris/Italy trip for November :(. One day I will get there! Make sure you try Eataly in NYC… Their Gelato was tasty… Never pass up an opp for a gelato :). PS you & your husband are a beautiful, beautiful couple!!!!!!!

    • Rebecca DaFashionista says:

      What a lovely thing to say! Thanks! Hope you make your Paris/Italy vacation soon. It's so worth it! Those places are dreamy.

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