
Summer Plans {Part Two}

June 16, 2015

Summer Plans List Part Two

All you Summer lovers out there, guess what?! It officially starts this Sunday. We’re already half way through the year folks. What are your Summer plans? When we lived away from NYC, although I thoroughly enjoyed doing several of the things on my last Summer plans list, there were still several moments when I found myself daydreaming about doing the things that I have on this year’s list. Being that this is our first summer back, I’m thrilled to have another chance at fulfilling my goal of taking advantage of all the wonderful variety of  fun cultural activities that this amazingly exciting city has to offer that we previously sort of took for granted. It took moving away to appreciate those things much more now. Besides, what can be more gratifying and fun than checking off things off your summer plans list?

1. Enjoy a movie under the stars in the park. 

2. Test out this cronut craze at Dominique Ansel. Can you believe I’ve yet to try one? 

3. Visit the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. Never been there.

4. Learn how to use Photoshop so I can improve my photo creation skills.

5. Host happy hour on our new rooftop terrace.

6. Host a Julie Powell {from Julie & Julia} style rooftop dinner soiree.

7. Get to know and shop the city’s farmers markets.

8. Make my photo books that’s been on my organize to-do list.

9. Enjoy a date night Jazz at the Carlyle.

10. Spend nights out on the town going to Broadway shows.

11. Pamper myself by getting professional facials.

12. Re-discover all the best brunch spots and wine bars in the city.

13. Find where the best dim sum and Thai restaurants are.

14. Spend some days at the beaches on Long Island like old times.

15. Want to read this book cause it was a recommendation, but also reminds me of some of peeps I know and this onejust because it looks oh, so fun and chic.

16. Picnic often in different parts of Central park.

17. Take warm weather weekend trips up to Maine and Cape Cod for lobster bingeing.

18. And of course, summer would never be complete without a great memorable vacation. Currently planning that.

What are you looking forward to doing the most this summer?

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