
Praying For You Boston

April 16, 2013

“The eyes of God are toward the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their cry for help.” – Psalms 34:15

Sadly today’s post is on the somber side. Being away on business and going in and out of meetings all day yesterday left me with no time for contact with the outside world until I quickly took a glance at my twitter account for a light read and distraction while in between appointments and was shocked at the tragic news event that was happening in Boston. These cruel acts unfortunately seem to have become daily occurrences. My heart is always saddened seeing the horrific scenes of such needless atrocities which for some of us always reminds us of 9/11. Just know these strife will not last forever.

As human beings we often feel the need to be comforted, especially in cases like this when we’re experiencing difficult situations. Most often family members and friends can usually give us a degree of comfort. At times, however, extreme conditions like this may cause us to call for help from a much higher power for guidance. In the meantime, what each of us can do as individuals besides of course praying for the victims and their families is to make sure to rid ourselves of any hatred, intolerance, ignorance and bigotry. Instead let’s practice kindness and neighborliness to ordinary people from day to day. As humans we ALL have the potential for being compassionate and kind instead of being cruel. And remember evil will not last forever.

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