
Grateful Moments

August 9, 2013

{An experience that shows humility is a quality of strength not of weakness… now I adore Pandora even more for it}

Summer is normally the time where longer days and breezy afternoons are spent in the great outdoors, on the seaside, enjoying a lackadaisical day laying in a park with a good book with some bubbly and snacks, on picnics, at outdoor concerts, shopping for fresh produce at a farmer’s market, antiquing, flea market shopping or spending time in the garden planting your own blooms while enjoying the birds early morning choruses – in other words, summertime is the time you get to relax and take a deep breath for your hard work. Well, technically.

My summer has been the exact opposite of all of that. It’s been running against the clock to get as much done attempting to complete project upon project in order to get settled in our new west coast place where it seems like it’s going to take eons to make it feel like home which is driving me bananas. This weekend will not be any different as I’ll be attending an annual summer seminar. So I am especially grateful for the few breathing moments I have had to enjoy just the little things in life.

{One of the best gifts ever received from my mother-in-law}


{This is my type of sushi eating: anything tempura – none of that sashimi stuff!}


{One morning I did manage to get a quick ‘me time’ with breakfast, tea, and one of my favorite magazines}


{My newest and best lip gloss stick additions (Rum Raisin and Berry Pretty purchased at Ulta) in lieu of lipstick which I hardly own. These are similar to Baby Lips, but BETTER and super moisturizing – making your lips feel silky soft, supple and long-lasting. LOVE}

What has your summer been like? Please share all your fun adventures so I can mentally dream about fun summer days.

Enjoy your weekend! 



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