
Grateful Moments

June 14, 2014

{How lovely is this! I want every one of those lighting pendants}

During the last few weeks, my daily schedule went from well-paced to a high octane one seemingly overnight and there’s no down time in sight. I’ve been helping a friend plan a surprise bridal shower that is arriving quickly next weekend and also going around town helping the bride-to-be find a gown (which she finally did). Phew. One thing off the agenda done. Check. And now I have a bridesmaid dress to find as I’ve been privileged to be asked to be part of the wedding party. What?! Suffice it to say, I’ve been perusing every store to find that perfect black dress/gown for this black and white with yellow accents wedding coming up in August which so happens to be the same month as our anniversary (hello, insomnia…brain can’t shut down!). I often say that when it rains it pours. In my case, it always seems that most times I go through a dry spell of just hanging out with the hubby and working with not much going on. However, the arrival of the feast where everything’s happening at once is now here. Apart from all this event planning, there were also quite a few afternoon luncheon dates (wedged in between appointments) with friends for some morale boosting. Tonight my goal is to squeeze in some down time for sure. Shhhh…. We won’t let anyone know. How about you? What’s on your agenda for this weekend?

{Nothing’s like an afternoon chat over a glass of bubbly and sushi}

{My new summer companions. Get a similar one on the left here and the one on right here

{My last stop before I go out and face the world on a daily basis}

{Food presentation is one of the biggest draws for me at a restaurant}

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