1. Though I have heard of and applied these 5 closet cleaning tips over the course of my life, still, method N0. 3 is one of the most ideal suggestions I’ve read about and yet, would be the hardest to effectuate.
2. If you’re in need of a good crack up, I suggest reading these 50 brilliant sarcastic jokes – they had me in stitches. I love them all, but my favorites were N0. 9, 19, 26, 28, 43 but read 49 at your own risk, and remember, I didn’t write them. So save your judgments.
3. You mean that’s all it takes to look like a Kardashian?! How ’bout the cash, any video on that?
4. Say “Thank You” instead of saying I’m sorry…
5. I have extremely fine hair (as can be seen here) and never have worn any extensions in my life (so yes, this is my own hair), making these best 20 short hairstyles for fine hair worth considering/filing in my beauty archives. Kelly Ripa is my hair muse, which is why I’m still seriously considering going for her summer hair color + length.
6. Learning about the powering effect of a loving hug/touch during my adolescent years always made me wonder how in the world I kept alive. Especially, when you read this powerfully touching story of how the amazing power of a touch (known as a Kangaroo) saved a life.