
Favorite Links

October 24, 2013

1. I never need an excuse to enjoy a good glass of wine. As much as we learn about wine in our innumerous weekend wine tasting vacations, I never seem to remember all the technicalities of being a true wine connoisseur. So the steps on how to drink wine like a Frenchman make wine-drinking sound even more… oh, ‘je ne sais quoi’.

2. Great tasting guacamole is such an enjoyable delectable when you can make your own. How ideal would it be if you could save a freshly made recipe for the next day or even up to three days without it turning brown or tasting yucky? I was amazed at reading these tips on how to do just that. I definitely can’t wait to try these tips.

3. A pretty hilarious GIF on buying bags online that I think is right on! It makes me laugh every time. #7 is my favorite! [wide smile;]

4. I think it’s safe to say that I’m not the only one that’s always lamenting about being tired even after a full night’s sleep. Knowing which one of these 8 surprise reasons why you’re still tired is a start to making necessary adjustments. Which one of these surprises you the most?

5. Nothing gives me the greatest satisfaction to know that my feelings about Facebook aren’t totally askew. This person’s reasons for deleting her Facebook page are sure food for thought.

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