
Farewell 2014

January 1, 2015

Here we are again, at the end of yet another year. Time doesn’t wait for anyone or anything, does it? This year had its share of obstacles (like losing my dear mother-in-law, and other close friends – some expected, others sudden and at very young ages) as can be expected living in this life, but in spite of it all, it was an excitingly fun and fulfilling year. We got to live most of it in the exhilarating town of Beverly Hills where we forged new business associates, made new friends and got to explore many parts of California that had been on our to-do list as a married couple for many years. And of course, the most grateful moment for us was to move back to our environment in the Northeast where we finally feel at home again. I’m pretty curious to see what the next year will bring. I have a couple of ideas that I’d like to implement on this blog, one of which includes you – the readers, so I need your help. What topics would you like to see more of on here? Please share your thoughts in the comment box below or via email. Until then, be safe.

{A Visit To Descanso Gardens}

{Catalina Island Vacation}

{A Prelude To Our Anniversary Getaway In August}

{An Amazing Evening at L’ermitage Beverly Hills}

{One of the most enjoyed time of the year}

{A new family tradition}

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