
Farewell 2013

December 31, 2013

It’s unbelievable how fast 2013 has flown by and at the same time, it’s amazing how much has happened and was accomplished during these last twelve months. The Boston tragedy, dealing with regrets, acquiring a  NYC apartment, being part of a fun collaboration, an adventurous cross country road trip, one of my most grateful moments, celebrated another lovely year of marriage, enjoyed a different kind of summer, was barely raised from the ashes, the experience of living on another coast. Looking back on all those events through photographs is such a nice way to get some perspective on life along with all of its challenges. Seeing how they were overcome makes me an appreciative person – including all the great moments that outweighed the not-so-pleasant ones. In this life, it’s a matter of recognizing that there’s always going to be situations that make us anxious or squeeze our hearts. To avoid being swallowed by those bitter moments, it’s important to periodically reappraise all the good memories we enjoy in our life which softens the blows of life’s unexpected harsh twists. Also over the years, I’ve found reaching out to others can help us forget our own problems, and other times you just have to get still.

Here’s a small sampling of a few of my favorite posts this past year.

“The beauty of a woman is not
in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her
hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to
her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in
her soul. It’s the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows;
the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.” Audrey Hepburn  

Photographing my outfits has brought a completely different view to my aversion and unsettling feeling about how I look and see myself in photos. As narcissistic as it’s felt posting my outfit pictures, it’s in fact, been one of the greatest therapies to a mental adjusting/self-image process that has come very far, but still a work in progress. I find myself at the end of every year agonizing whether or not I want to continue to post my outfit pictures. Due to my professional lifestyle, I’m always pressed for time either running out the door or coming home late in the evening, so most of the time it’s already too dark out to take photos, or my face looks tired and my hair is too disheveled for photo shoots. Nevertheless, looking back on my casual outfit choices that I did get to post serve as a great reflective reminder of what my emotions were for that day, week and time in my life.

I’m curious to know which post was your favorite?

Whew, this year I had more than my fair share in upcycling and DIY’ing. But every project added to the warmth of our space which makes it worth the sweat of spending long weekends on finishing things up. I loved them all, by far the old picture frames, thebranch and shell makeovers ranked high on my favorite upcycling/DIYs’ list this year. Having a decorated home with things that received a nurturing touch by me add that extra layer of comfort that just makes living in this mad world much more bearable. I’m looking forward to share more projects with you in 2014. Until then, good health to you!

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