
Experience The Capital Grille Las Vegas Style

January 22, 2012

How many of us go through all the trouble of dressing up and making a dinner  reservation for a night out on the town with your significant other… expecting an amazing experience? Obviously when you eat out it’s not just to keep you away from slaving in your own kitchen or avoiding the bleak prospect of another over-salted/bland takeout meal. 

One of the highlights of a night out is to have an amazing experience. The kind of experience where the stress of the day melts away as you enter the ambiance of a great restaurant. That’s what the hubby and I look for when we go out for a date night. It’s usually for a reprieve from the mundane things of life… a moment where we can rejuvenate. Which by the way, is exactly the meaning of the term restaurant! You see, restaurant is a french term, derived from restaurer – meaning to restore or revitalize. HA! huh huh! C’est si bon.:)

I have to say, The Capital Grille offers that feeling when you dine there. The atmosphere, the service and the food sure certainly offer that rejuvenation factor during your dining experience. If you’re in the Las Vegas area, I definitely suggest going there. The panoramic window views of the strip while dining is truly relaxing.

What made our evening even better!!! The chef came out to make sure we enjoyed our meal. Even chatted with us a bit.  Being acknowledged as an important customer truly sets the bar pretty high for dinner entertainment I’d say.

How about you? What do you most look for when dining out?

*P.S. my pictures were taken with my blackberry phone {a.k.a. “the dingle berry” for how it acts:/} couldn’t bother lugging around my big paparazzi camera on such an evening. That’s why the pictures aren’t too perfect;), but the place is gorgeous. Go and let me know your experience. I suggest to go during sunset. The night views are very romantic;) I’m a hopeless romantic. Must make a reservation.

The Wynn Hotel View depending on where you sit in the restaurant

Happy Fine Dining!

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