
Classic Winter Tunes

December 25, 2014

Everyone needs that extra boost to get going, especially during the winter months. I couldn’t think of a more exhilarating voice than that of Frank Sinatra to put me in that relaxed state of mind. His distinctive voice and sound have the power to calm you, stir you, and uplift your spirits in a transportive way that makes me fantasize of an old classic bygone era where I imagine everyone dressed like the cast of madmen. I’ve made a playlist of some favorites that I think fit the season well and will be enjoying (while burning my favorite seasonal scented candles). So I would like to leave you with what I call ‘classic winter tunes’ to hopefully get you in a good mood as I take a break from blogging for a little while. However, I will still be updating the shop with favorite finds and you can also follow me on Instagram, and/or twitter. Enjoy!

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