
Two Thousand Fifteen In Retrospect

December 29, 2015

Goodbye.Au Revoir.Looking Back. In Retrospect. 2015 Highlights

2015 started out with a good stride, but inevitably not too long thereafter, it ushered in its set of challenges that honestly at one point made me want to quit. Nevertheless, with perseverance and the support of my sweet hubby, I was able to get through the year. However, instead of ending the year reliving those unpleasant memories, I’m going to focus and highlight a few of those happy moments that kept me pushing forward this past year.

True, I may not have accomplished the majority of what I had hoped for/expected (though being reminded of goal #2 noted here), I’m still grateful. After all, there were some fulfilling moments to be proud of. Like, working the NYFW show, attended my first fashion conference in years, traveled to new places, checked this off my list including several others, enjoyed glorious sunny days in the outdoors at the park and on our terrace. Captured our first blood moon right off our terracelunched and dined with old and new friends, relived the time period of Great Gatsby, and oh, BSI got a little bit of a makeover after much blood, sweat, and tears. If you haven’t checked it out yet, please take a look around. I’ll acquaint you with just a few of the new features. Now you’ll find under each tab, there are drop downs that take you directly to a specific topic of interest, including the shopping tab with sub-categories such as, Home+Décor | Clothing | Beauty | Shoes | Accessories | Gifts.  This makes finding what you, the viewer are looking for a lot easier.

This February blizzard view from our living room

Mercedez-Benz NYFW – an adrenaline rush that I look forward to annually.

The best seafood pizza + Sunday brunch that I still talk about at the Mondrian Hotel Los Angeles

Business + Pleasure Trip to Las Vegas.

This hat, because I love the color and it’s one of my faves out of all my collections.

Love this picnic spot in central park over the summer.

Fond memory at the Botanical Garden.

That pleasantmemory of seeing kayakers on the riverwhen we stepped out on the terrace.

A party to remember + I apparently lost my neck while getting dressed for it. {Insert the side eye emoji here ;-}

A melow and relaxing vacation.

Time with friends in Hilton Head.

Our first real professional looking blood moon photo we’ve ever taken! 

New (to us) restaurant discoveries over the summer.

One tasty Peruvian dessert that made trying this place all the more worthwhile.

The most bizarre rooftop fashion show ever attended. 

Joyful memory of an afternoon spent at Rockefeller center this year.

A holiday weekend for two.

Of the many lessons I learned this year, three of the greatest ones that have made the most positive mental shift for me, have to be…

Cry as hard as you want to, but just make sure 

that when you stop crying, you never 

cry for the same reason again.

No longer waste time trying 

to explain who you are 

to people who are committed 

to misunderstanding you 


only understand 

from their level of perception.

And what also finally clicked for me without rationalizing and/or feeling guilty of being disloyal is:

Saying yes to happiness means 

learning to say no 

to things and people 

that drain and hurt you.

Hope you like the new changes made to the website and please let me know via Instagram or email what you would like to see more of on the site in 2016. As always, thanks to all of you who have cheered me on Instagram with your kind comments and compliments. It was part of the motivating force that helped me to forge ahead this past year. I send you all a big warm hug. In the meantime, I’m praying that 2016 will be kinder to all of us with the hope that all intended goals become successful realities. Until then, see you next year!

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